Advocacy and Leadership

Increasing investment and prioritization for girls’ education and family planning across the Sahel - and promoting local people leading these approaches

Elles du Sahel

Elles du Sahel is a network of sixteen women activists from the Sahel, the European Union, and the United States, that draws on their expertise, networks, and passion for gender equity. The Elles du Sahel is conducting advocacy at the local, national, regional and international levels towards increased and more coherent funding envelopes for girls’ education and sexual and reproductive health and rights. This is based on the knowledge, the needs and the requests of women and girls in the Sahel.


Sahel Leadership Program

The Sahel Leadership Program (SLP), implemented with our partners at GRADE Africa, aims to assemble and engage a critical mass of leaders across francophone west Africa dedicated to upholding sexual and reproductive health and rights, and furthering the education and empowerment of girls and women. One of SLP’s fundamental tenets is that the region’s own leaders are the most powerful resources for meeting its challenges and building a better future. Since 2015, the Sahel Leadership Program has trained over 240 emerging and established health, education and environmental professionals from eight Francophone countries in West and Central Africa.


Sister Schools

The Sister Schools program engages, informs and builds the skills of university students in Niger who are conducting research in education, reproductive rights and sustainable development. Through short courses and internship placement support, we help prepare students to be effective professionals and become champions for girls education and family planning. We build their understanding of and commitment to addressing the needs of women and girls in the region. Since 2016, the program has provided week-long seminars on gender, development and food security to over 900 students and internship placement to 80 students.


Program Highlight

Listen to this compelling interview from Nature Solutionaries with our colleagues, Sani Ayouba Abdou from Young Volunteers of Niger (JVE) and Lou Compernolle from OASIS, about the fight for women's rights and climate justice in Niger.

Here is the transcript of the interview for people who prefer to read.

Young Leaders for the Environment

Based in Niger, Jeunes Leaders pour l’Environnement (JVE) is one of the few organizations in francophone Africa engaging youth in critical discussions on the neglected link between demographic growth, climate change, and resilience. Through digital advocacy and their network of young volunteers, JVE advocates for the prioritization of urgently needed investments for women and girls, especially their access to voluntary family planning and education, in national and subnational climate adaptation strategies and policies.