Implementing Partners

Lumière des Filles et des Femmes (LFF, “Light of Girls & Women”) aims to strengthen learning and leadership for girls and women in the Sahel, and in Niger in particular. LFF began in 2018 and was registered as a civil society organization in Niger in 2020, emerging from a partnership with Centre for Girls Education, OASIS, and L’Initiative OASIS Niger. LFF leads the Hilin Mu (Hausa for “Our Space”) girls’ education program where in-school girls meet to connect with their peers, gain critical life skills, and benefit from academic support to bridge learning gaps and make the critical transition to secondary school. Responding to needs of the high proportions of Nigérienne adolescents who are married, LFF also leads the Hasken Mata (Hausa for “Women’s Light”) safe spaces program. There, married adolescents build their development, life and vocational skills, networks and their ability to make their own decisions and advocate for themselves.

The Centre for Girls Education (CGE) is helping girls stay in school or gain a vocation in order to delay marriage and use the precious years gained to acquire life skills, an education, and a livelihood. CGE was launched in 2006 as a partnership between University of California, Berkeley and Ahmadu Bello University. In 2016, CGE became an independent women-led and staffed nonprofit organization registered in Nigeria. CGE is the pioneer of our safe space methodology, reaching over 50,000 girls in Nigeria and advising the Hilin Mu program in Niger.

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Grade Africa (formerly OASIS Niger) is a National NGO established and registered in Niger in 2017. Grade Africa works to contribute to social development by improving education and health in the Sahel region of Africa. As one of our main partners in the region, Grade Africa co-leads key programs with us, including the Sahel Leadership Program, Group Prenatal Care and Sister Schools.

JVE/Niger's vision is a world where communities flourish, and young people are at the forefront of sustainable development. JVE is one of the few organizations in francophone Africa advocating at the community, national and international levels for the inclusion of sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender justice in climate adaptation strategies and implementation plans. They actively work with young people and local CSOs on the front lines, as well as with national politicians and international stakeholders to affect change on both the reproductive health and climate fronts. OASIS collaborates closely with JVE to amplify its regional and national leadership role. OASIS provides advocacy, research and fundraising support

The Elles du Sahel network is critical to OASIS’s advocacy strategy. The concept was developed with regional experts, with funding and support from OASIS.  OASIS is now facilitating the transition of the EDS to the region, independent of OASIS.  Today, OASIS continues to provide access to funding, expertise, and general support to allow the network to focus wholly on advocacy work of the prioritisation of women in girls in education, health and leadership.

Hallmark Leadership Initiative (HALI) is a nonprofit organization that provides support in health, public awareness, education, peace-building and reintegration, accountability, protection against gender-based violence, and empowerment, to create a positive impact on the lives of people in the NorthEast of Nigeria. HALI has reached over 200,000 beneficiaries with integrated community development programs, including community dialogues for peace building and prevention of violence against women and girls in internally displaced persons camps, including offering safe space programs in the context of displaced families and in communities which have faced terrorism, forced marriages, sexual slavery, and exploitation.

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