"Man Orders 34-Foot Condom" Ep. 48 The Overpopulation Podcast with Malcolm Potts and Alisha Graves

“Men spend most of their lives trying to have more sex. Women spend the lion’s share of their lives trying not to get pregnant. Separating sex from childbirth is what most women and men want, and it’s exactly what contraception allows us to do.

As World Contraception Day (26 September) approaches, Dave and Erika pick the brains of two experts, Alisha Graves and Malcolm Potts. Potts is Professor at the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley, was the first chair in Population and Family Planning, and founded the Bixby Center for Population, Health & Sustainability. Graves is President of Venture Strategies for Health and Development, a non-profit organization aiming to help stabilize global population by securing women’s freedom to choose their family size.”

Listen to the full episode here.


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