Sahel Resilience Learning

Building on SWEDD findings, the OASIS Initiative -- in collaboration with the Sahel Resilience Learning Project (SAREL) and the West African Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESAO) -- is conducting an ethnographic assessment in Maradi, Niger. the purpose of this study is to help inform USAID capacity building activities for adolescent girls and their communities. USAID's resilience efforts in Niger aim to respond to the food security needs of people in Maradi and Zinder, two of the most malnourished regions of Niger. Initial study findings have been so appreciated by the partners that in early 2016, Mercycorps and NCBA CLUSA committed to supporting the project for an additional 9 months (estimated value 45,000> A preliminary report is due mid 2016. OASIS' Daniel Perlman is learning this work. Learn more about the initiative here