Oasis Newsletter September 2023

Dear Friends of the Sahel,

Warm greetings from OASIS! I recently returned from Maradi, Niger where I visited one of our partners, Lumière des Filles et des Femmes (LFF).


During my trip, I spent time personally getting to know the woman-led team of Lumière des Filles et des Femmes (pictured above) and observing how engaged the team is within communities. I was inspired by the dedication and commitment of the staff, supervisors and mentors who work tirelessly to ensure each girl feels valued and celebrated. Check the newsletter to read short profiles of two staff members.

While in Maradi, I also had the opportunity to sit in on safe spaces and meet the participants and parents. I was moved to learn how many girls now aspire to become LFF mentors themselves. In one session, I observed a poignant role play of how a young girl can protect herself from gender-based violence on the way to school.

To learn more about the types of safe spaces LFF is implementing in Niger, read our program briefs: Safe Spaces for Married Adolescents and Safe Spaces for In-School Girls.

Please read on for updates on all of our programs at OASIS. As always, we are deeply grateful for your continued support and dedication to our mission to advance education and choice for women and girls in the Sahel.

With gratitude,

Natalie Williams, MPH, Acting Executive Director

Read the entire newsletter here.


Oasis Newsletter November 2022